
Showing posts from 2009

Intimate Oswald Chambers

It has been a while, but I have much to continue to share ; )! God has been so faithful to keep me going through this busy time. I have three more days of school work left and then I am done for a while. I read Oswald Chambers: My Utmost for His Highest in the morning and what I am about to share with you are parts of some of the devotions. "If you are going to be used by God, He will take you through a number of experiences that are not meant for you personally at all. They are designed to make you usefulin His hands, and to enable you to understand what takes placein the lives of others. Because of this process, you will never be surprised by what comes your way. You say, "Oh, I can't deal with that person." Why can't you? God gave you sufficient opportunities to learn from Him about that problem; but you turned away, not heeding the lesson, because it seemed foolish to spend your time that way...We never really realize at the time what God ...

Battered Feet

This past year and a half that I have been done with college has been a journey of many things! It has not been an easy journey, but one that has grown my walk with the Lord. There are so many details to our individual lives, and there is only one person who could possibly understand it all and know exactly what to do. Christ has been that for me, often times I find that I come to Him at the very last moment when I am falling a part, but I have learned that He is always there beginning to end. It is just our stubbornness and pride that keeps us from turning to Him. There is so much freedom in walking through life with someone else, the very person that created you. I remember sitting one day and thinking about my journey with the Lord and praying through some decisions I have to make and realizing it's a hard journey to walk. There are times when I am worn out and exhausted, my feet are battered and they need a break. Then thinking through Jesus' ...

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall...

I was recently thinking about what my life is reflecting. When I stand in the mirror what do I see? Often times it is frustration with the way that I look, my hair looks bad, nothing is fitting right, etc. Most of the time I overlook the real thing that I should be concerned with which is my heart. I was doing a study on Hebrews 4:12, "For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." The part that really got to me was that God judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart. I always took this verse as something that was placing God in the light of convicting. While he very much does that through the Spirit, I saw a tender God in this passage instead, and I saw Him in a different light than ever before. God through His abundant grace has blessed me with the opportunity to have a personal relationship wi...

Journey with me...

Thanks so much for tuning in! I decided to start blogging about the journey God has me on. It has been full of adventure, at times frustration, brokenness, praises, thankfulness, hope, and much more! I wanted to be able to share what the Lord is teaching me, bringing me through and realizing I am not alone. It is in the times when I feel like I am in control and can do things on my own that I find myself frustrated, stressed and closed off. It is in Christ that I have found a beautiful freedom even when life is hectic. I wanted a place where I could share my journey and it be an open door to my heart as I walk with Christ. I chose these beautiful church doors as a background not because they represent a church, but because each moment, each day, each week I have begun challenging myself to enter through the doors of Christ's freedom not living in my own little world. There are things that I could not even comprehend of doing, yet He continues to do things beyond my comprehension an...