Fierce Woman - Kim Wagner

The truly beautifully fierce woman has an otherworldly strength derived from a source beyond herself. She’s plunged in fully to the forgiveness and love of Christ, and He holds her heart so completely that she’s reached true contentment. Her identity is forged through abiding in Him, and her courage is displayed by her commitment to Him and His cause. He is her driving motivation and propels her by the wind of His Spirit. Her passion is stoked by His fire. She is no “halfhearted creature” but is drinking deeply of Him and experiencing infinite joy. She is a warrior at heart—not violent or aggressive—but tempered by humility. She’s a soft warrior; fleshing out the beauty of fierceness in her daily life. Loving God and others with sacrificial devotion. This is the kind of fierceness I’m talking about when I said I love to see a fierce woman in action. I strive for this ideal. Check her out in the characteristics below. 

Characteristics of a Beautifully Fierce Woman

  • Her identity and value are rooted in her relationship with Christ rather than a relationship with a man.
  • She’s filled with gratitude for God’s good gifts. Her heart is ruled by the peace of contentment.
  • She courageously faces her fears rather than running or hiding in shame.
  • She’s passionate about things that matter rather than living for the trivial.
  • She loves God and others. She’s more focused on giving love than getting love.
  • She’s willing to battle for a worthy cause rather than shrinking in defeat.She grabs the hem of God’s will and doesn’t let go.
  • She protects and defends the helpless rather than using her strength to bully others. She is known as a sincere encourager.
  • She’s honest but kind.
  • Others feel comfortable in seeking her counsel.
  • She embraces God’s Word as her ultimate authority rather than being swayed by the voices of the culture.
  • She faithfully confronts by speaking truth in love rather than enabling sin by keeping silent.
  • She walks in confidence and humility that flow from her recognition of Christ’s work of grace in her life.
  • She has the power to influence and inspire because she lives under the Spirit’s control.
  • Her life is lived all out for God’s glory rather than the smallness of self.
God wants to use these characteristics to fulfill His calling on your life. I love seeing how the fierce women of Scripture did this. Esther courageously stood ready to perish as she fought for the lives of her people. Deborah led the armies of Israel to victory in spite of fearful Barak. Priscilla, along with her husband, Aquila, once literally “risked her neck” to save Paul’s life (see Romans 16:4); she was bold, courageous, and a diligent student of the Word.


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