I heart Nations...be informed.

My heart is exploding at the moment and full. I was thinking over the past couple of weeks and dreaming of what I wanted to do with my life. Well here it is...I want to start an organization (or something) I want to call it... I <3 Nations…be informed. (still playing with it) – heart going with the verse John 3:30 “He must increase, but I must decrease” hence the < (wink wink). Anyway to sum it up I want to gather information on some what I think are key organizations within these categories: Sex Trafficking Orphans Sponsorship Those in Need Hope Then through a website first inform people, educate them on statistics, culture, stories, the need, opportunities, etc on these topics and link them with organizations. It is about informing people, educating them on what is going on in the world and offering them an opportunity to get involved, support, or go! “Changing the world one heart at a time” In a sense we’re working to inform and help equip others by touching...