Our Standard!
“The Bible must be our standard.
Whenever we are confronted with
a question about Christian
practice, we must apply the
teaching of the Bible. Sometimes
the Bible will deal with it directly,
and we must go by its direct
teaching. Often the Bible will not
deal with it directly, and then we
must look for general principles to
guide us. It does not matter what
other people think. Their behavior
is not a standard for us. But the
Bible is a standard for us, and it is
by the Bible that we must live”
(J.C. Ryle, Walking with God)
The Word of God is our standard. As I have been sitting in classes this week and processing my time in England, it is the Bible that offers the only Hope that can change a person. God is sufficient and His Word is what guides us in our decisions and daily living.
God only guides or leads His people today:
1. By providence (we know it after the fact) – Proverbs 21:1
2. By Scripture (we can know it before we act) – Psalm 73:24
God is a gracious God who has provided everything we need in order to do what He wants us to do (2 Pet. 1:3)
God holds us fully responsible to search out and follow His preceptive will (God’s written Word) in
all of life (2 Tim. 2:15).
Often we spend our days worrying about tomorrow and living in fear about what tomorrow holds or what the future holds. We do not know those things. God has given us His Word to guide us in our decision making and our daily lives. His Word is sufficient!
There are three ways in which we box truth: REASON, EXPERIENCE AND SCRIPTURE. These are all things that need to align, but often times it is reason and experience that win out over Scripture. Scripture should be our standard first and foremost. It is easy to go with reason and experience, but that is wrong. It is to be Scripture married with reason and experience that define our boxes of truth. We must live by the WORD for it is the wellspring of life! Psalm 18:30-31; Proverbs 4:23!
Whenever we are confronted with
a question about Christian
practice, we must apply the
teaching of the Bible. Sometimes
the Bible will deal with it directly,
and we must go by its direct
teaching. Often the Bible will not
deal with it directly, and then we
must look for general principles to
guide us. It does not matter what
other people think. Their behavior
is not a standard for us. But the
Bible is a standard for us, and it is
by the Bible that we must live”
(J.C. Ryle, Walking with God)
The Word of God is our standard. As I have been sitting in classes this week and processing my time in England, it is the Bible that offers the only Hope that can change a person. God is sufficient and His Word is what guides us in our decisions and daily living.
God only guides or leads His people today:
1. By providence (we know it after the fact) – Proverbs 21:1
2. By Scripture (we can know it before we act) – Psalm 73:24
God is a gracious God who has provided everything we need in order to do what He wants us to do (2 Pet. 1:3)
God holds us fully responsible to search out and follow His preceptive will (God’s written Word) in
all of life (2 Tim. 2:15).
Often we spend our days worrying about tomorrow and living in fear about what tomorrow holds or what the future holds. We do not know those things. God has given us His Word to guide us in our decision making and our daily lives. His Word is sufficient!
There are three ways in which we box truth: REASON, EXPERIENCE AND SCRIPTURE. These are all things that need to align, but often times it is reason and experience that win out over Scripture. Scripture should be our standard first and foremost. It is easy to go with reason and experience, but that is wrong. It is to be Scripture married with reason and experience that define our boxes of truth. We must live by the WORD for it is the wellspring of life! Psalm 18:30-31; Proverbs 4:23!
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