
Showing posts from September, 2014

Fierce Woman - Kim Wagner

The truly beautifully fierce woman has an otherworldly strength derived from a source beyond herself. She’s plunged in fully to the forgiveness and love of Christ, and He holds her heart so completely that she’s reached true contentment. Her identity is forged through abiding in Him, and her courage is displayed by her commitment to Him and His cause. He is her driving motivation and propels her by the wind of His Spirit. Her passion is stoked by His fire. She is no “halfhearted creature” but is drinking deeply of Him and experiencing infinite joy. She is a warrior at heart—not violent or aggressive—but tempered by humility. She’s a soft warrior; fleshing out the beauty of fierceness in her daily life. Loving God and others with sacrificial devotion. This is the kind of fierceness I’m talking about when I said I love to see a fierce woman in action. I strive for this ideal. Check her out in the characteristics below.  Characteristics of a Beautifully Fierce Woman : Her identity ...

Secret of Contentment...

I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him [Christ] who gives me strength. Philippians 4:11-13 Discontentment can be dangerous. It can drive us to hasty decisions or unwise actions we later regret. A desire to be someone we’re not, a wish to be somewhere we don’t need to be or a motivation to have something not ours--can easily derail our life. Why let our discontentment obsess over the thrill of the chase, when contentment patiently waits on the joy of all Jesus has for us. Contentment has a way of cleansing our motives. It moves us closer to Christ’s heart.  Contentment is the ability to endure hardships or handle prosperity. If we are never satisfied, always in want of a little bit more, we are set up for disappointmen...