Crowned with Glory and Honor...

I am currently doing a study on Genesis and also preparing to write my thesis on what it means to be created in the image of God. As I was studying and reading these two verses the lines highlighted really stood out to me. Being created in the image of God is a bigger deal than we often believe. God created us lower than the angels, but crowned us with glory and honor. He said the same of Christ when he descended on earth. Soak that up and think on that. Often we take for granted the beauty of how we were created and the power we have in God through Christ. There was no other way to be justified but through a perfect human sacrafice for our sake. We often make excuses like those in Exodus 32 for the way we behave, but in reality God's glory is in front of us and he has even crowned us with his glory and honor. We must not lose sight of the awesome and holy God we serve. We must fight to know WHO WE ARE and WHO WE SERVE! We must look to the Lord to grow us in understanding of wha...