Beautiful in His hands...

So let's say tonight has not been the greatest of mine. I'm currently writing a paper on anger and stress management God's way and it's well been an interesting night. I found myself overwhelmed and panicking at one point...needless today I had a breakdown. Those don't last very long for me and are normally done in private, then as always I call of my faithful friend who always guides me to the cross and His promises (I cannot tell you how thankful I am for that). As I continued on in my paper I stumbled across the verse which states, count it all joy brothers when you encounter various kinds of trials. My heart is in the hand of the potter right now, although I am feeling all the twists and pulls, I know He is at work and hears when I call. But how often is it that I actually call? He brings me to these places in life to remind me of His greater purpose in my life, for my life. It is necessary for the beautifying of His Son in my life, because on my own I am ugly a...