The Reality of Christ in YOU!

I have been reading a lot lately on what it means to have the reality of Christ in you. I don't think we take the time often enough to really think about it. I challenge you to dwell on what it really means. 1 John has really challenged me lately with this. 1 John 3:1 says, " See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are." It goes on to say that ..."we are God's children now...but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as HE IS." How amazing is that, that one day we would see God for who HE REALLY IS. We are marred now by our sin nature to fully understand who God is, but there is an amazing relationship we have here on earth now that pushes us to understand our purpose on earth now. We are to live as Christ and to be in fellowship with the Father as Christ was. We have direct contact to God because of Christ. We are God's children! So often I find myself undermining the life God has called me to. What platform has He given me to share Him with others and experience Him work in ways that only He can? I often times have to admit that I lose sight of His power and the Jesus that lives inside of me. John 14:12 says, "Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father." There is a promise here and almost a command of what we're to do. Go MAKE DISCIPLES is one amongst many others and to LOVE OTHERS. It is only through Christ that I am able to do these things. Any time it is of my own ability I am not capable of doing this, but He is able to do far greater in me than I could imagine!
All this can only take place and happen when I'm focused on Christ and Him being the center of my life. Apart from Him I am nothing! The reality is that we can live a joyful, peace centered life, not a perfect life, but one of hope and one of promises. It is not an easy road by any means and trials and heartache will come, but understanding the Christ that is within you makes life real/genuine and purposeful.
"Real personal freedom/fulfillment (success) is a by-product of a God centered life in which a person becomes and does what is pleasing to God." Wayne Mack
Our purpose is to glorify God and to share that with others so they can experience this freedom in Christ. The reality of Christ within me blows my mind. When we truly study who He is and personally experience Him, there is no one like Him. He is amazing and the LOVE OF MY LIFE! Let's do BIG THINGS FOR GOD, but let's start with the moment by moment choices that show we understand Christ is the center helping us live out this reality. Come before Him praying persistently and with great expectation! He has amazing things in store for each of us who love Him and are called by His name! Jeremiah 29:11-14


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